
The content of my presentations:

Creativity as a means to expression of emotions
Creativity as a therapeutic intervention to express wordless emotions
Art therapy in medical settings
Art as a Healing Force for Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer
Art as a Therapeutic Intervention in Bereavement
Creativity as a Link Between Sensing, Feeling, and Action

Clients include:

Aging in Texas Conference (AiTC)

American Society of Aging (ASA) Annual Conference

Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC) Annual Conference

Kiruna Kommun Vuxenutbildning, Sweden

New York University, New York

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York

School of Visual Art, New York, New York

Senior Residencies and Health Management, Stockholm, Sweden

Swedish Art Therapy Association, Stockholm, Sweden

United Federations of Teachers (UFT), New York

Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden